dimanche 8 mars 2015

Test your Level of English Grammar/Vocabulary

Question 1 of 15 
Jack’s parents ……… and so I am sure they would love to go to the exhibition.
  like Picasso’s paintings very much
  like very much Picasso’s paintings
  much Picasso’s paintings like
  much like Picasso’s paintings

Question 2 of 15 
It’s a great place to live apart from the increasing volume of ……… that passes under my window every day.

Question 3 of 15 
Did you have any problems ……… our house?
  to find
  for finding

Question 4 of 15 
I am sure I would have regretted it if I ……… to take the job.
  would have agreed
  would agree
  did agree
  had agreed

Question 5 of 15 
This meat is beautifully ……… - what recipe did you use?

Question 6 of 15 
There's no way I _______ done it without your help.
  would ever have
  would ever
  have ever
  should never have

Question 7 of 15 
What _______ if you had been in my position?
  would you have done
  could you do
  had you done
  should I have done

Question 8 of 15 
I hope you don't mind _______ joining you.
  that I may
  to be
  I had been

Question 9 of 15 
She _______ be a grandmother. She looks like a teenager.
  has to

Question 10 of 15 
Although it had been advertised as fully furnished, there was actually _______ furniture in the flat.
  a few
  lack of

Question 11 of 15 
You should read this novel — it’s been ……… recommended by all the critics.

Question 12 of 15 
When Sam was a small child, he ……… spend hours every day playing with stones in the garden.

Question 13 of 15 
Suzie and John are planning to get married and ……… a lot of children.

Question 14 of 15 
Fiona is very angry ……… her boss’s decision to sack several members of staff.

Question 15 of 15 
Soldiers have been sent in to try to restore ……… in the area.

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